Addressable Fire Alarm System

Simplex Addressable Fire Alarm System



Simplex TrueAlarm Addressable Smoke Sensors

TrueAlarm Addressable Smoke Sensor is an initiating device by detecting smoke. It comes with LED at its addressable base showing operational status to indicate Device Type and Device Location and Custom Label Per Address. It is designed to prevent life and property of building’s occupants. TrueAlarm also has False and Nuisance Alarms which can cause expense and time and disturb occupants. It also comes with technologies such as Self-Compensation and Sensor Cleaning Indication.

Simplex TrueAlarm Addressable Heat Sensors (Selectable Fixed Rate & Rate of Rise )

Simplex TrueAlarm Addressable Heat Sensors is initiating device by detection of heat. It provides Fixed (135° F) or Rate of Rise temperature sensing. It comes with LED at its addressable base showing operational status to indicate Device Type and Device Location and Custom Label Per Address. It is designed to prevent life and property of building’s occupants. TrueAlarm also has False and Nuisance Alarms which can cause expense and time and disturb occupants.

Addressable Manual Pull Stations

Simplex Addressable Manual Pull Stations Simplex

Addressable Manual Pull Stations is pulled for notifying emergency sign to the control panel using Addressable Loop IDNet Card or MAPNET II Wiring. There are many types of pull station such as Single Action, Double Action, BreakGlass. Simplex Pull Station has been designed using Compact Construction method which provide Minimizing Dust Infiltration Enclosure for long usage.

TrueAlarm Analog Sounder Base for use with TrueAlarm Photoelectric and Heat Sensors

Simplex Addressable Sounder Base with switch for smoke detection with built-in program for sound control

The Addressable Sounder base device for smoke or heat detectors is a Digital Communication Analog Sensing system with a switch, sounder base and custom label program LED light showing working status. The Addressable Sounder base has an Intelligent Data Evaluation system to automatically replace the sensitivity in case of dust or dirt occurs at the base. It can also alert the Dirt and problems automatically. The sensitivity can be set to Multi-Stage (different sensitivity In each interval according to the program), which the sounder base has a piezoelectric sounder, emits an alarm at 88 dBA (at 20mA)

SIMPLEX TrueAlarm 520 Hz Sounder Base

Simplex Addressable 520 Hz Sounder Base with switch for smoke detection with built-in program for sound control

TrueAlarm Addressable Smoke Sensor with 520 Hz Sounder Base is a initiating device with smoke detection and 520Hz sounder base with the NFPA standard for unattended sleeping NFPA requirement, suitable for installation in hospitals, educational institutions or hotels. TrueAlarm Addressable Base with LED at the base shows working status and specify the location. There is a switch for setting the code at the base to specify the device type, device location and can also set Custom Label Per Address. It is designed to protect the lives and property of occupants in the building. The product can alert with 520 Hz noise and broadband tones and also have the option for Sounder Base coupled with CO Sensor as well.


Simplex Addressable Sounder Base with switch for smoke detection with CO Sensor

TrueAlarm Addressable Smoke Sensor is an initiating device. It detects the carbon monoxide, a toxic gas that is not visible to the naked eye and has no odor. The gas is obtained from the incomplete fossil fuel combustion caused from many cases such as cooking area with inefficient ventilation system, etc. The CO gas is also toxic, causing death up to 40,000 people a year in USA. CO sensor is suitable to use in dangerous area, buildings such as hotel, dormitory, hospital and staff accommodation. CO Sensor can be used with the Smoke Sensor, Heat Sensor or Sounder Base as well to prevent False Alarm and increase detection efficiency.

Addressable Beam Detector

Addressable Beam Detector is an innovation that combines the efficiency and flexibility in the branch of IDNet Technology, which has features similar to FireRay 5000 Optical Beam Smoke Detector, the light detection device suitable for use in open and wide areas or areas where the detector or XAD should not be used because it is expensive and is not suitable for practical use such as warehouses, theater or cinema, show room, seminar room, department store and stadium etc. The Addressable Beam Detector device can also specify the location and set the Custom Label. One set of devices can be installed with 2 Beam Detector and has a detecting distance of up to 100 meters including self-checking feature and can report its status back to the control panel. Installation, maintenance and settings can be done easily and quickly as well.

TrueAlarm Analog Addressable Duct Sensor

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Is a smoke detection system through the compact air duct. TrueAlarm Duct Sensor is a device that can specify the installed location and can set Custom Label for the installed location. The device will alert the smoke detector signal (red light) or problem status (Trouble o yellow light) to the control cabinet via Digital transmission via IDNet loop or MAPNETII (2-wire communications).
TrueALarm Analog Addressable Duct Sensor device
o There are environmental compensation properties to replace sensitivity when dirt accumulating in the device. The device can also be set up its sensitivity
o Users can read the status testing on the device as well (Supporting the magnetic test using magnetic testing in the housing device).

Simplex XAD Remote Air Sampling Smoke Detection System Sell Sheet

Simplex XAD Simplex XAD is a initiating device. It detects smoke via the Aspirated Smoke Detection, which is a very good solution for challenging areas in both installation and service such as pipes or chimneys, as well as difficult access areas such as chimneys, elevators, including areas that are too high to provide services and MRI rooms in a hospital or prison, etc. This device has a Simplex Addressable TrueAlarm Smoke Detector working inside. Therefore, it can set the installed location as well as the name of the device as needed. In addition, users can also choose to use a single pipe (XAD-100) or double pipe (XAD-200) which can be placed up to 50 feet (Flexible tubing) or 82 feet (rigid pipe).

VESDA VLC-600 TrueAlarm LaserCOMPACT

Smoke detector with dust filter

VESDA VLC-600 TrueAlarm LaserCompact is a dual stage smoke detection device with dust filter using the latest VESDA sampling technology, operating with high-performance laser. VESDA system uses TrueAlarm analog sensor to send data back to control panel and also be able to report the work status, trouble, filter, airflow blockages or failure. VESDA technology detects through pipe sampling. Airflow that passes through the pipe will be ultra-fine filtered air flow, which is the airflow that is sucked into the control device through the dual-stage air filter before it can be detected and analyze in the Sensor Chamber.


Simplex IDNet Addressable Module or Module is used to connect convention devices or other devices.

Individual addressable modules (IAMs)

– To set the Zone Address for Conventional equipment (Non-addressable) by using Power Cable and communication cables to connect to LOOP MAPTNET II or IDNET.

IDNet Relay IAMs

– IDNet Relay IAMs a module controlled via C Contact, connected to Loop Card (IDNet) to control various systems such as elevator, control, HVAC, exhaust fan, etc.


– IDNet / MAPNET II Monitor ZAMs is a module single point for monitoring devices in the 2-wire or 4-wire IDC LOOP (Initiating device circuit).

Communications Isolators

– Communications Isolators is a Module Isolate circuit which will start automatically when the output short circuit occurs in the system.

Signaling Module

– Signaling Module or the position module device comes with a Custom Label program to define the zone, alarm devices such as bell, speaker or horn to work.